How to Avoid Hiring Blunders…

Let’s face it, hiring can be a gamble. We’ve all been there – the interview seemed perfect, the resume spotless, but then reality hits. Confession time: My early clinic hires were…well, let’s just say they weren’t exactly success stories. Here’s a glimpse into my initial fails: Learning from Mistakes Thankfully, those early blunders fueled a […]

I don’t just talk to you about boring HR stuff that you can read online… I offer straight forward advice in language you can understand, with a strategic focus based on a specific understanding of the types of challenges you face in private allied health practices – regardless of whether you are a Remedial Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath, Dietician or other complimentary Allied Health Professional. 

On top of my experience with all things related to running a clinic; I have worked with over 200 clients in allied health and have 14 years’ experience in HR, a Bachelor of Business majoring in HR Management & a Graduate Certificate in Industrial Relations. 

I’m not just a HR specialist; I was also the co-owner of Remedial Massage Clinic with multiple therapists & administration staff for 4+ years – so I get it & understand how HR applies specifically to you!


Who am I?