The Performance Conversation: Don’t Let Silence Speak Volumes

Performance conversations. We’ve all been there, some with more enthusiasm than others. But let’s face it, avoiding these discussions only creates bigger problems down the road. Why? Because silence speaks volumes. When poor behavior goes unchecked, it impacts your team. Trust erodes, and reliability goes out the window. Not exactly the recipe for a high-performing […]

I don’t just talk to you about boring HR stuff that you can read online… I offer straight forward advice in language you can understand, with a strategic focus based on a specific understanding of the types of challenges you face in private allied health practices – regardless of whether you are a Remedial Massage Therapist, Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Naturopath, Dietician or other complimentary Allied Health Professional. 

On top of my experience with all things related to running a clinic; I have worked with over 200 clients in allied health and have 14 years’ experience in HR, a Bachelor of Business majoring in HR Management & a Graduate Certificate in Industrial Relations. 

I’m not just a HR specialist; I was also the co-owner of Remedial Massage Clinic with multiple therapists & administration staff for 4+ years – so I get it & understand how HR applies specifically to you!


Who am I?